Uniprint 9.0 R2 Release Notes Summary (All Updates)

This document provides a summary of all Release Notes for Uniprint 9.0 R2 Updates and Service Packs. Uniprint updates are cumulative; improvements and fixes in previous update versions are included in subsequent updates.

Pharos Systems Updater Service

Update 1 (Revision 66)

  • Improvements to identify installed components and provide component updates.
  • Support added for a local master package server.
  • Logging improvement.

Note: Pharos Administrator may require a manual refresh to show installation completion.

Update 2 (Revision 157)

If the Updater Service context shows a connection error during a package install, this is likely because the Updater Service is restarting and is temporarily unavailable. Please manually Refresh the context.

Support added for 'Download All' and 'Install All'.

Ability to update Page Counter via the Updater Service allowing for easy deployment of upcoming Page Counter fixes or updates.

Includes a number of bug fixes and improvements.

Pre-Service Pack (9.0.8959.272)

  • Provides the ability to list and install Service Packs.
  • Addressed an issue where the release of Service Packs for newer Uniprint versions caused installation errors when attempting to apply Service Packs for Uniprint 90R2.

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000)

Provides the ability to install Service Pack components across servers, including updates to the Pharos Database schema.

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001)

  • Includes a number of bug fixes and minor improvements.
  • Fixed memory leak that some customers were experiencing.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002)

  • Fixed memory leak that some customers were experiencing.
  • Added functionality to support continuing to list updates to Uniprint 9.0R2SP5 once updates to Uniprint 9.1 are made available on AWS.
  • Addressed an issue where the Updater Service log file (packageDiscovery.log) continues to grow. With this update the log file is now limited in size and is created in \ProgramData\PharosSystems\UpdaterService\Packages folder, and the previous log file under C:\Windows\SysWoW64 is deleted.

Pharos Administrator

Update 1 (Revision 66)

Improvements have been made to the Updater Service context, including context layout changes and improved 'Refresh' behavior when installing updates.

The 'Add Funds' link displayed in the Print Center can now be enabled or disabled under the System > System Settings > Print Center section of Pharos Administrator. This requires Print Center 2.4 or later for the setting to take effect.

Update 2 (Revision 157)

  • The Administrator is now updated in the background without requiring the Administrator application to be closed. The new updates will apply upon reopening Administrator.
  • Improvements have been made to the Updater Service context, including context layout changes.
  • Pharos Administrator now supports 'Download All' and 'Install All' buttons when used with Updater Service Rev 151 or later
  • Starting with this update, the following executable files will now be shipped with the Pharos Administrator package. This is to ensure that these files are always compatible with the PharosSystems.Utility.Library.dll which they rely on.
    • ccimport.exe
    • ccexport.exe
    • userload.exe
  • After applying the Administrator package, these files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\Bin will be replaced with new files.
  • The ‘Keep me logged in’ option displayed on the Print Center logon screen can now be enabled or disabled from Pharos Administrator.
  • MMC exception in the Overview context of Pharos Administrator has been fixed. This would occur when filtering on the Print Group column in the Overview context when the system included any Copiers, Kiosks or devices under 'Incomplete Configuration'.

Pre-Service Pack (9.08959.272)

Supports listing and installing Service Packs.

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000)

Added support for Service Pack updates. Note: Administrator must be reopened following install to view Service Packs.

Added support for controlling which devices users can access via MyPrintCenter. A new property, Print Center Device Access (in the User Groups context in Pharos Administrator) is added to associated devices. Users can access only those devices that are in their User Group. (This applies only to the MyPrintCenter application.)

The following changes have been made to support the new Device Level Charging feature:

  • New properties to associate the Job Cost Method to a device to calculate the cost of print jobs based on a selected printer.
  • In the Queued Jobs context, the Print Job action can now re-calculate the cost of a job based on the selected printer.
  • A new plug-in for the Print Service called JobCostMethodSelection allows for custom scripting to manage the Job Cost Method applied to a given print job based on User, Device, etc.

The Pharos Help system can now be updated via the Updater Service (as part of the Administrator update).

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001)

The following changes have been made to support the new Custom Charges feature. Administrative users can do the following:

  • Enable/disable Custom Charges feature in the System > System Settings > Custom Charges context of Pharos Administrator.
  • Manage charge types under System > System Settings > Custom Charges context of Pharos Administrator.
  • Configure whether Secure Queues can receive Custom Charge jobs. By default, all Secure Queues are configured to receive Custom Charge jobs.
  • Configure roles which can manage Custom Charge jobs in Pharos Print Center. Privileges are configured under the Permissions context in Pharos Administrator.
  • This update replaces the following files:
    • The main uninstaller file, Uninst.exe under \Pharos\Bin directory. This addresses the issue where uninstaller is not able to uninstall Pharos Administrator component correctly.
    • The latest Pharos Remote installer file RemoteInstaller.exe under \Pharos\ClientInstallers directory.
  • If both Pharos Administrator and Pharos Remote applications are installed on the same machine, then this update will update the Pharos Remote application as well.
  • Addressed an issue in the Knowledge Base context where the search function would fail and would display a script error.
  • Addressed performance issues when filtering transactions by "username" in the Transaction context.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002)

The following lists the changes to the Pharos Administrator for Service Pack 5:

  • Configuring the Add Funds Button ID (System > System Settings > PayPal) is no longer required when setting up Credit Card Gateway due to recent changes made by PayPal™. If you have upgraded from an older version of Uniprint 9.0 R2 and have this setting already configured, it should work as before. However, if you've made any changes to your PayPal buttons after the changes were implemented, you may encounter issues. The workaround is to delete the value entered in this setting.
  • This update replaces the following components with the latest files:
  • The main uninstaller file Uninst.exe in the Pharos\Bin directory. This fixes a problem where the uninstaller fails to uninstall the Pharos Administrator completely.
    • Pharos Help files in the Pharos\Help directory.
    • Package Builder PackageBuilder.exe in the \Pharos\Bin\PackageCreator directory.
    • Popup Module file Popupmodule.exe in the Pharos\Bin\PackageCreator\StaticModules folder.
  • This update provides updated client installers in the \Pharos\ClientInstallers directory
    • Pharos Station (PharosStationInstaller.exe)
    • SignUp Client (SignUpClientInstaller.exe)
    • Pharos Remote (RemoteInstaller.exe)
  • Addressed an issue when adding a new User Group to Job Cost Methods, where User Based Charging is configured, would cause the existing user group pricing to be reset to the default cost.
  • Added support for Single Sign-on (SSO) configuration under System Settings > PrintCenter section. This configuration is enabled when Print Center 3.6.1 or later is installed.
  • Added a new event (ExternalLogon) under the Banks context. This event maps external authentication information (i.e. user details) to Uniprint and is called by the Pharos API Service whenever a third-party system (e.g. CAS) authenticates a user.
  • Addressed the following issues:
    • When adding a new User Group to Job Cost Methods where User Based Charging is configured, the existing user group pricing would be reset to the default cost.
    • Uniprint performs an SNMP status check when printing a document from the Printed Jobs context in Pharos Administrator even if the Execute State Check setting is turned off on the selected printer. Also addressed an issue where an SNMP status check is performed when the Method of Determining Make and Model property is set to User specified.
    • Administrative users who do not have the permission to Charge another user’s account could inadvertently release print jobs without charging users (from the Job Management > Queued Jobs context in Pharos Administrator). The Charge to User setting is controlled by a registry key and the system remembers this key from a previous session. For example, when a previous admin user releases a job with no charge and then logs out of Pharos Remote or Administrator, the next admin user (with no permission to charge/not charge users) is unintentionally able to also release print jobs without charging users.

Pharos Print Center


  • Print Center updates are cumulative; improvements and fixes in previous update versions are included in subsequent updates.
  • In the case where you have the Print Center web component installed on a separate ARR Web Server, you will need to manually update the Web Server component to complete the update. Copy the Print Center msi installer from the Pharos\Bin folder on the Pharos API server to the Pharos\Bin folder on the ARR server and run the msi there.

Update 1 (Revision 66) - Print Center API and Web Services 2.4

Print Center 2.4 has been optimized to work on a wide range of web browsers, tablets and mobile devices with varying screen sizes.

  • Web upload is now supported on Android devices. (Requires MobilePrint 2.1 license.)
  • Users can now add funds from their mobile devices. (Requires Credit Card Gateway license.)
  • Mobile users can now view their print activity history via the Activity tab.
  • When enabled, users can charge printing to cost centers and grants.
  • The interface is updated with new Pharos branding.

For more details, please refer to Print Center 2.4 Release Notes .

Update 2 (Revision 157) - Print Center API and Web Services 3.0

  • Print Center now includes remote administration features (similar to Pharos Remote).
  • Support for Microsoft® Windows 10.
  • Improved security to protect Print Center from Cross-site scripting, clickjacking, and other attack vectors.
  • The Keep me logged in option displayed in the Print Center login screen can now be enabled or disabled from Pharos Administrator

This update also includes fixes to the following issues:

  • The Color Printing Allowed setting (in User Groups) did not apply to Print Center.
  • The number of pages for scan and fax transactions was not shown on the Activity tab of Print Center.

The following issues were addressed in Print Center 3.0.3:

  • PayPal communication has been updated to use TLS 1.2. This is a mandatory update for PayPal users to match the changes being implemented by PayPal in June 2017 (PayPal's deadline has changed since we released 3.0.3).
  • An issue introduced in v3.0 that prevents preview functionality from working under the Theme tab for administrative users has now been resolved.

The following issues were addressed in Print Center 3.0.2:

  • A fix has been added for the case where print job release fails when a Cost Center contained special characters.
  • Fixed a problem where adding funds using Credit Card Gateway fails when a username contains an apostrophe.
  • This update also resolves an issue when upgrading the Print Center web component from version 2.4 or earlier to version 3.0, where an upgrade was disallowed if the installer was not able to connect to the Database Service (as might be the case when the Print Center web component is hosted on an ARR server in a DMZ). As of this update, the upgrade will be allowed to continue even if the connection to the Database Service cannot be made.
  • Added Cluster support.

For more details, please refer to Print Center 3.0 Release Notes.

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000) - Print Center API and Web Services 3.2

  • Print Center now includes remote administration features like listing Transactions and Alerts (similar to Pharos Remote).
  • Ability to apply device restriction, which enables administrators to control which devices a user can see, search for, and release jobs from in Print Center.
  • The ‘Display Print Button’ setting has been changed to affect Job List tab only in Print Center. Disabling the property no longer affect users with elevated rights (e.g. Proctor, Administrator). The Print button will be available in the Queued Jobs and Printed Jobs menu in Print Center.
  • Paypal communication has been updated to use TLS 1.2.
  • Added support for Cluster.

The following issue was addressed in Print Center 3.2.3

  • Users were only allowed 16 characters when releasing password protected jobs. The fix now allows users to use a password up to 32 characters.

The following issue was addressed in Print Center 3.2.4

  • Performance issue when filtering transactions by username under Admin > Transactions tab.

For more details, please refer to Print Center 3.2 Release Notes.

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001) - Print Center API and Web Services 3.4

  • Custom Charges - With the new Custom Charges feature, Uniprint is now able to charge students custom amounts for unique items or services. For example, a Lab Admin can charge students for services such as 3D printing, binding, lamination, etc. and recover the costs from Pharos internal accounts, external accounts, or other billing systems.
  • New Custom Charges tab in Print Center. This allows administrators or other roles with the right privileges to manage Custom Charge jobs.
  • MyPrinting/Job List tab includes a new option under the Print Options section called Page Range that allows end-users to choose a range of pages for printing MobilePrint jobs. This feature requires MobilePrint 2.2.
  • Print Center Themes now apply to mobile friendly web pages.
  • This update addresses the following issues:
    • When releasing password protected jobs, users were only allowed 16 characters. The fix now allows users to use a password up to 32 characters.
    • When the Enforce Strong Passwords setting was enabled under Pharos Administrator, updating user's password in Print Center would fail.
    • Failure in saving passwords with special characters under MobilePrint/Email Server tab (If MobilePrint is installed). Saving password with special characters is now allowed.

The following issue was addressed in Print Center 3.4.3

  • A performance issue when filtering transactions by username under the Admin > Transactions tab.

The following issue was addressed in Print Center 3.4.2

  • This version includes an update to the Apple Certificate for use with Uniprint 9.0 R2. The current certificate installed with the Print Center will expire on November 16, 2016. This is a mandatory update for Pharos Print App users.

For more details, please refer to Pharos Print Center 3.4 Release Notes.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002) - Print Center API and Web Services 3.6

  • Web upload is now available on the mobile version of Print Center for iOS users. Previously, iOS users could only upload jobs through the Pharos Print App.
  • Various web application memory optimizations were implemented to improve the stability and performance of Print Center.
  • This update addressed the following issues:
    • Known security vulnerabilities.
    • Role permissions were ignored when listing users in the Admin > Users tab.
    • When creating or updating new user accounts in Print Center, the Alias Generation setting (System Settings > General section) was not applied to user accounts. This update now allows the 'Alias Generation' setting from the System Settings > General context of Pharos Administrator to be honored when user details are added or updated in the Admin > Users tab.
  • Added support for Single Sign-on capability for the Print Center when applied in conjunction with version 9.0.9002.809 or later of Pharos Administrator and Pharos Print Service. Please refer to the Technote: Configuring Pharos Print Center to use SSO for more information.
    • A third party component has been updated to correctly handle certain Shibboleth configurations.
    • A setting has been added for selecting a specific Shibboleth attribute to use as the user's login name.
    • A setting has been added for selecting certificates to use for encrypting Shibboleth communication.
  • Addressed an issue in the Admin> Users tab where alerts for the add, modify and delete user operations were not being created.
  • Updated with new Apple Notification Certificate.
  • Addressed an issue where transactions are incorrectly processed by the Chase Paymentech Gateway. This is now fixed by adding decimals places in the total amount.
  • Addressed an issue where Print Center application failed to load the logon screen in some cases after upgrading to Service Pack5.
  • A new setting has been added to generate the Single Sign-On Entity ID (using the server's fully qualified name instead of the short name). Users who prefer this format will need to update the database, please refer to the Technote Configuring Pharos Print Center to use SSO document in the Pharos Community.

For more details, please refer to Print Center 3.6 Release Notes

EDI Service

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000)

  • An updater for the EDI Service is introduced in Service Pack 3.
  • The EDI Service has undergone minor changes in the costing process for print jobs with the implementation of Device-Level Charging in Service Pack3.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002)

  • This update includes minor changes when listing print jobs at EDI stations. Previously, if a blank "user_ID" was submitted at an EDI station, all print jobs were listed. Now the EDI will only list all print jobs when both the "user_ID" is empty and the Release Station property Show All Print Jobs is set to true.

Secure Release Service

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000) - Secure Release Service 4.5

Service Pack 3 includes fixes to the following issues in the Secure Release Service:

  • Print jobs are deleted before the Purge Time configured on a Print Group.
  • Failure to list jobs when a printing environment has the same host names on different domains.

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001) - Secure Release Service 4.9

  • Secure Release Service has been updated to use.NET Framework 4.5 so it now supports TLS 1.2.
  • Addressed an issue where Secure Release Service ( takes longer than normal to start.
  • Addressed an issue where print documents uploaded using Print Center v3.4 and MobilePrint v2.2 GR could fail due to a file locking issue with Secure Release Service. This should be applied in conjunction with MobilePrint 2.2.1.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002) - Secure Release Service 4.11

  • The default TCP/IP socket buffer size has been increased from 8KB to 64KB to improve performance, which applies to reading the spool and sending packets to the printer via the LPR or RAW protocol. You can customize buffer size values. For more information, refer to the Pharos Help documentation.
  • Improvements have been made and added extra protection that prevents termination of Secure Release Service when receiving print jobs.
  • Addressed an issue where an extra page of unnecessary popup data may be printed, when the print documents are submitted via Popup Client application.

Print Service

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000)

  • Job Costs are now rounded up for cost notification/acceptance messages used by the Pharos Notify component.
  • Changes have been made to the job costing process to support the new Device Level Charging feature.

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001)

  • Changes have been made to the job costing process to support two new features: Page Range and Custom Charges.
  • Addressed an issue where creating a Custom Charge job to a queue that has Popups Enabled and Required causes the Custom Charge job to fail. The Print Server now allows Custom Charge jobs through without requiring popup data.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002)

  • Addressed known security vulnerabilities.
  • Addressed an issue where Custom Charge jobs failed to release when the user is not in the Pharos database and the username assigned to the job does not match the user's billing ID.
  • Provides support for Single Sign-on capability for the Print Center when applied in conjunction with version 9.0.9002.809 or later of Pharos Administrator and Print Center 3.6.1 or later.

Database Service

Service Pack 3 (9.0.9000)

  • The Database Service has been updated to support the database schema changes for the new features in Service Pack 3.

Service Pack 4 (9.0.9001)

  • The Database Service has been updated to support the Database Schema changes for the features introduced in Service Pack 4.

Service Pack 5 (9.0.9002)

  • Prevents the Database Service from crashing due to network errors.