Changing Cost Center Properties

The following properties can be configured for each Cost Center  in Pharos Administrator.


Property Description

Charging Model

Specifies the Charging Model the Cost Center is associated with.


Specifies the Category the Cost Center is associated with.

Cost Center Name

The Cost Center name uniquely identifies a Cost Center within the Category. It is displayed to users when they are selecting a Cost Center to charge to, and also appears elsewhere in Pharos Administrator (e.g. when setting Cost Center permissions).


The Cost Center's description is displayed to users in the Popup Client application. This may be useful when Cost Centers have terse or numerical names.


This specifies the status of the Cost Center, whether it is Active, Locked, or Archived.

  • Active - Cost Centers must be active in order for them to appear to users for selection. All Cost Centers are active by default, but they can also be set to either "Locked" or "Archived" mode.
  • Locked - Cost Centers can be set to "Locked" if the Cost Center is no longer available, for example, the project is already finished. Locked cost centers are still displayed on the terminal, but are grayed out and are not available for selection. For legacy terminals, cost centers will not be visible to the users.
  • Archived - If the Cost Center is no longer available but you want to keep it in the database for reporting purposes, you can set the status of the cost center to "Archived". Unlike, "Locked" cost centers, Archived cost centers are not displayed on the terminal.

Cost Centers are made inactive automatically during a full Cost Center import if they do not appear in the import source.

Discount Rate Schedule

The Discount Rate Schedule governs discounts on printing charges, based on volumes used. If specified, this overrides the Category's Discount Rate. Any resource use charged to this Cost Center is subject to the discounts specified in the schedule selected here.

As of Uniprint 8.2, Discount Rate Schedule is no longer supported. If you have a fresh install of Uniprint 8.3 or greater, this property is not available. If you upgraded from an earlier version (e.g. 8.1), it is available for editing, but you cannot add new ones.

When charging to a Cost Center, the last Discount Rate Schedule encountered is the one that is used, i.e. if a user selected Cost Center A1 from category A and then Cost Center B1 from category B, the schedule for B1 will be used, unless it doesn't have one, in which case A1's schedule will be used. If neither Cost Center has a schedule assigned, the category's schedule will be used, with category B taking precedence over category A.

Discount Rate Schedules can also be associated with users and Cost Center Categories. When charging to a Cost Center, the user's Discount Rate Schedule is not used. Where a schedule has been specified for both a Cost Center and its category, the Cost Center's schedule overrides the category's.

Amount charged

This property displays the total amount that has been charged to the selected Cost Center.

Activity Summary

A summary of the billable activities charged to this Cost Center.


Property Description

Cost Centers from Previous Category

The Cost Centers chosen in one Category can affect which Cost Centers will be available at the next. This property determines which Cost Centers in the previous category will cause this Cost Center to be available.

Cost Centers from Next Category

The Cost Centers chosen in one Category can affect which Cost Centers will be available in the next. This property determines which Cost Centers in the next category will be available when this Cost Center is selected.


User Constraints determine which Users have permission to use a Cost Center.

User Groups

User Group Constraints determine which User Groups have permission to use a Cost Center.

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