Installing Pharos Popups on Macs

Pharos Popups requests information from the user every time a document is printed. The System Administrator pre-configures the questions that the user needs to answer and the Pharos Popup Client retrieves these from the Pharos Popup Server at the time of printing. If the user completes all questions, the answers are sent to the Pharos Print Server for processing, along with the print job.


  • This release of Pharos Popups for the Macintosh supports Mac OS X 10.7 - 11.3. It is not compatible with earlier versions of the Mac OS.
  • You can get the latest Mac Popup updates in the Pharos Commuinity.

Pharos components

Ensure the following are installed and correctly configured:

  • Pharos Database
  • Pharos Database Server
  • Pharos Administrator
  • Pharos Print Server
  • Pharos LPD Server
  • Pharos Popup Server

At least one Pharos Queue must also be configured.

Installing Popups

Install Pharos Popups on every Macintosh that is to be controlled by Pharos. The Popup Client application must be installed on all client machines that users will be printing from. Installing the Popup Client involves two steps:

  1. Install the Popup application.
  2. Install a print queue for the application to print to.

Step 1: Install the Popup application

  1. Log in to the client machine using an administrator account.
  2. Obtain the file Popup.dmg. This file is available on the Pharos disk image at client\popupcli\macosx. The latest version can always be downloaded from the Pharos Systems website.
  3. Copy this file to the Macintosh hard drive.
  4. Double-click the file to create a new disk image in Finder. This disk contains the Popup installer, Popup.pkg.
  5. Double-click the installer to run it. You will be requested to authenticate yourself as an administrator.
  6. Select a destination disk (you will only be able to select the startup disk).
  7. Double-click the installer to run it. You will be requested to authenticate yourself as an administrator.
  8. Click Install (or Upgrade). The installer automatically installs the Popup application.

Pharos Popup will now be running on the computer and will be automatically launched every time a user logs in.

Step 2: Install a print queue for the application to print to

For more information about printing on the Mac, see the Apple support website at

For OS X 10.7 - 11.3

To start using Popups for Mac OS X, add Popup printer queues on the client machine:

  1. Open System Preferences and click on the Print & Fax icon.
  2. Click the + button.
  3. Hold down the CONTROL key on the keyboard and click anywhere on the toolbar. From the popup menu that appears, select Customize Toolbar....
  4. Drag the Advanced icon to the toolbar and close the customization dialog.
  5. Click on the Advanced button in the toolbar.
  6. From the Type popup button, select Pharos Print Server.
  7. In the <URL> field, enter the Unified Resource Identifier for the desired Popup queue on a Pharos Print Server. This value should have the format "popup://print_server_address:515/queue_name", without the quotes. The "print_server_address" should be replaced with the domain name or IP address of the Pharos Print Server. The "queue_name" should be replaced with the name of the desired queue on the Pharos Print Server.

 If a Print Server has the host name "PharosServer" and a Popup queue named "MacQueue", the device URL should be "popup://PharosServer:515/MacQueue".

Do NOT use the address of the target printer - "print_server_address" should always be the address of a Pharos Print Server. Do NOT remove the "popup://" or the ":515" part of the URI.

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the new printer queue. This is the name that will be shown to users on the machine.
  2. From the Print Using popup button, select the type of printer associated with the Popup queue. If the desired printer is not available, selecting "Generic PostScript Printer" will work in most cases.
  3. Click Add. The new Popup queue will now show up in the list of printers.

To print to the new queue, select it from the Printer popup button in the print dialog of any application.

For more information about printing on the Mac, see the Apple support website at

Uninstalling Popups

To remove Popups from a client machine, run the Pharos Uninstaller:

  1. Launch the Uninstaller application in /Library/Application Support/Pharos/Utilities.
  2. Select Pharos Popups and any other Pharos components that you would like to uninstall, then click Continue.
  3. A list of the selected items will be shown. Click Continue.
  4. Type in an administrator user name and password when required to do so. The selected components will be removed from the client machine.
  5. Click Done and log out of the client machine.


The Pharos Mac OS X Popups application has the following limitations:

  1. Popups is currently not compatible with the Fast User Switching feature of Mac OS X. Always disable Fast User Switching when installing Popup on a client machine.
  2. If there are printers on the network that support Apple's Bonjour (Rendezvous) technology, users may be able to bypass the Pharos printing system. To avoid this problem, disable the Bonjour (Rendezvous) features of any such printers.
  3. If a firewall is present between the client machine and the Pharos Popup and LPD Servers, ports 515 and 28203 must be opened for traffic for Popup to work properly.