Changing Queue Properties

Queues exist as components in the Pharos system, which are visible in Pharos Administrator; and as Windows printer devices, which are visible at Start menu > Control Panel > Printers. Pharos-specific properties and standard Windows properties can both be configured through Pharos Administrator.

The following properties can be configured for each Queue in Pharos Administrator. Queue properties are divided into the following categories:

General Properties

Property Description



The Queue name uniquely identifies a Queue in the Pharos system. It is used to identify the queue in other contexts of Pharos Administrator, and is normally the name that users see when they go to print a document from their client PC.


Free-form text description of the Queue.

Print Group

The Print Group associated with the Queue. Jobs submitted to the Queue will be added to the Print Group and will be released to devices associated with the Print Group.

Print Type

A read-only property, which determines the type of printing for the Queue. It can be any of the following:

  • Direct Printing - Print jobs are routed to the best printer immediately (after costing).
  • Secure Release - Print jobs are held until they are released by a user at a Release Station or from Pharos Remote.

This property is defined in the Print Group associated with the Queue.

Job Cost Method

A read-only property used to calculate costs for all print jobs on this Queue .

The Job Cost Method is defined on the Print Group that the Queue is associated with.

Print Center Custom Charges

This property determines whether the Queue can be selected for Custom Charges in Print Center. This setting is enabled by default for a Secure Queue only. This setting is not available for Direct Queues.

If this property is set to "Yes", the Secure Queue will be available for selection when creating a Custom Charge job in Print Center. This allows users to view and pay for their custom charge jobs at Release Stations or Print Center.

If this property is set to "No", the Secure Queue will not be available for selection in Print Center. This may be necessary if you want to designate specific Release Stations that users can "release" (effectively pay for) their custom charge jobs from.

Management Zone

The Management Zone assigned to the Queue. This property affects the privileges a role will have over this Queue.

By default, a new Queue is assigned the "Default Zone", which has a "Full Control" permission.

This property will only be visible if a second Management Zone is defined in the Permissions context

Windows Printer Settings



The Print Server where this Queue is located. This property is read-only.


The printer driver that defines the types of printers this Queue uses.

Windows Queue Comment

The description of this Queue as seen in the Windows "Printers and Faxes" or "Devices and Printers" applets.

Packages Properties


Copy Printer Settings

Whether the Device setup is copied when creating a Package.

This property is set to "Yes" by default. This instructs Install Packages to copy the printer settings for this Queue to client PCs.

Selecting "No" means that the local printer will be created with the default settings specified by the device driver.

Printer object settings are configured at Start Menu > Control Panel > Printers. Right-click on the desired printer and select Properties. Note that the properties on the General tab of the Properties dialog only affect the current user, and will not be picked up by the Package Creator. To change the settings for all users, click the Printing Defaults button on the Advanced tab, and configure the options on the dialog that appears.

Custom Driver

Details of how to install a printer driver for the Queue. The properties within "Custom Driver" are equivalent to the corresponding properties of Custom Modules. For more information about Custom Modules properties, see About Custom Modules.

Must Use Popup Client

Whether valid responses to Popup questions are required to submit jobs to this Queue. If this property is set to "Yes", any job not accompanied by Popups information will be rejected and an Alert is raised.

Authenticate Popup Answers on Job Arrival

Whether to authenticate a print job’s username and password (supplied using Popups) and reject print jobs that fail such authentication. The authentication process applies to jobs with popup data only.

By default this setting is set to 'No'. If set to 'No', Secure jobs are not authenticated (i.e. username and password are not checked) on job arrival.

If set to 'Yes', secure jobs are authenticated on arrival.

Remove Popup Password after Authentication

Whether to remove a print job’s popup password after authentication, so that it won’t be entered at the Release Station or Print Center.

By default, this setting is set to 'No'. This means users who have submitted jobs with passwords will have to enter their password each time they release a job from Print Center or at any Release Stations.

If set to 'Yes', users can release jobs on Print Center or at any Release Stations without requiring a password.

Question Group

The Question Group to use when displaying Popups for this Queue. If print jobs are held for release, these questions may include asking for the user's name or a name for the job so that it can be identified at the Release Station, or a password, so that the job can only be released by the user who printed it; whatever the Queue Type, Popups may be used to request a Cost Center to charge the job to. If Popups are not used for this Queue, select "<None>".

Popup Questions Groups associated with the Queue can be tested using the Test Popups option on the Action pane.

Workstation Display Name

The name that will be given to the printer corresponding to this Queue when the Popup Client is installed on a user workstation.

When using custom driver installers to install the local Popups printer manually, this name must match whatever name is given to the printer created by the custom installer. Similarly, if users are instructed to install the local printer manually, they must be told to give the printer the name specified here.

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