Changing Group Properties

The following details are displayed for each Group listed in Pharos Administrator. Most of these details can be configured, although some are read-only information details.


Property Description


The Group name uniquely identifies a Group of Users in the Pharos system.

The default "public" user group's name cannot be changed.


The Environment defines SignUp-related properties for the Group.This property is available only if Pharos SignUp is licensed.

Any Environments specified for Computer Types override the Environments specified for the users logging on to them.

Print Center Device Access

Specify the list of devices that users in this Group can print to in Print Center. Users in this group will be able to view, search for, and release from devices listed here.

To allow this group to print on all devices listed in the MobilePrint Group, leave the list empty.

The Device Access feature applies to Print Center only; it does not apply to Release Stations (e.g. Pharos Stations, Omega Terminals).

Color Printing Allowed

Governs whether Users in this Group can perform color printing.

To specify whether or not members of a group can print color, select "Yes" or "No" from the combo box in this field. If "No" is selected, users of this group will not be permitted to print color. An error message will inform them of this when they attempt to print a color job.

This feature works even if install packages are not installed on client PCs, for example, jobs will still be disallowed if required. However, you must install packages on your client machines to make best use of this feature. Packages installed on client PCs allow Pharos system to notify users if they are allowed or not allowed to print color jobs.

Permitted Color Applications

Specifies from which applications users in this Group can perform color printing from, for example, winword.exe (Microsoft Word), excel.exe (Microsoft Excel), etc.

You should specify the correct format for the application names, for example, wordpad.exe for Windows WordPad.

To allow color printing from all applications, leave the list empty.

Application tracking is not reliable in a Terminal Services environment. The application returned may not be correct, or no application may be returned at all. This feature should not be used in a Terminal Services environment.

This feature does not work on client PCs running on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or on a Terminal Services machine. This application color limiting feature only runs on any variants of Windows XP.

Print Center Funds Allowed

Specifies whether users in this Group can add funds to their accounts in Print Center. This property only applies if the 'Allow Add Funds' in the System Settings > Print Center context in Pharos Administrator is enabled.

Select 'Yes' to allow users in the Group to add funds via Print Center. The Add Funds link will be displayed in the Print Center.

If this property is set to 'No', users in this Group will not be able to add funds to their accounts in Print Center. The Add Funds link in Print Center will not be displayed to users in this Group.

If you have a Credit Card Gateway license, the Allow Add Funds setting is enabled by default. This means that all users in the system can add funds by default unless overridden in the Groups context.

If this property is not available, it means that you do not have a Credit Card Gateway license. Please contact your Pharos reseller to obtain the license.

Max. Reservations per Day

Limits how many SignUp Reservations any user in this Group can make per day. (A day is counted as the 24 hours from midnight to 11.59pm; a Reservation spanning midnight is deemed to belong to the earlier day, as is a Queued Reservation that is in the queue at midnight.)

Max. Use Time per Day (Minutes)

Limits how many minutes per day Users in this Group can use SignUp workstations. (A day is counted as the 24 hours from midnight to 11.59pm; the calculation uses the total time a user spends logged on to a computer during the relevant 24 hours.)


Property Description

Cost Center Permissions

The Cost Center Permissions determine which Cost Centers the Users in this Group have permission to use. Cost Centers can be selected from any Category that has group constraints enabled.

Discount Rate Schedule

The Discount Rate Schedule governs discounts on printing charges, based on volumes used. These discounts apply to any user in the group whose Discount Rate Schedule has not been set individually for the user account; if a Discount Rate Schedule has been specified for a User, that setting will override the setting for the Group.

As of Uniprint 8.2, Discount Rate Schedule is no longer supported. If you have a fresh install of Uniprint 8.3, this property is not available. If you upgraded from an earlier version (e.g. 8.1), it is available for editing, but you cannot add new ones.

Activity Summary

A summary of the total amount of various activities (printing, copying, sessions on computers) for this Group of Users.

  • Computers by the number of sessions and the number of minutes used
  • Copying by jobs/ prints (pages)
  • Printing by jobs/ sheets/ pages

If users are moved from one group to another, their resource usage contributes to the resource usage statistics of the group to which they belong at the time of usage. This means statistics for a group need not equal the total statistics of its current members.

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