The following account details can be configured for each user listed in Pharos Administrator. The Accounts context also contains some read-only properties, which cannot be changed. See Viewing User Balances for details on these properties.

You must have the permission to change User properties. Your permissions depend on the role assigned to you.


Property Description

Logon ID

The Logon ID uniquely identifies a User in the Pharos system. It is used to track the resources a person uses. If you are using an authenticated Windows network environment with an account for each user, this should be the same as the person's network logon.

First Name (s)

The First Name is displayed on various applications (e.g. the Pharos Station can be configured to show it) and for reporting and invoices.

Last Name

The Last Name is displayed on various applications (e.g. the Pharos Station can be configured to show it) and for reporting and invoices.


A unique identifier used to display on public lists of users. The user's name is not suitable, as it may not be unique, and their Logon ID should not be displayed publicly for security reasons. A third identifier, the Alias, is displayed on the publicly accessible screens of Pharos applications.

When a user is created, an Alias is automatically generated for them. How the system generates Aliases is configured on the System Properties context

User Type

This is a read-only property displaying whether a user is a 'normal' user or a 'guest' user. This option is selected when inserting a user record in Pharos Administrator.

There are two types of user accounts in Uniprint:

  • Normal- The default type of user account.
  • Guest - A type of user account designed for users who will use the Pharos Print Center on a temporary basis. Guest accounts created via Pharos Administrator are added to the Pharos Database and are automatically purged from the database depending on the number of days set in the Guest Account duration in days setting (default is 28 days) if the account does not have any remaining funds.

If you have a license for Sign-Up, these types of user accounts are available:

  • Express - Users type for transient patrons and infrequent local users who use a computer to perform quick tasks like checking email or browsing the Internet.
  • Visitor - Temporary visitor accounts that are created at the Nerve Center application. These accounts are automatically deleted after a set number of days.

Only roles with permission to create accounts can create guest accounts in Pharos Administrator or Print Center.

If you want users to be able to create their own guest accounts, you will need to check on the 'Show Guest Login Link option in the System Settings > Print Center context.

Card ID

The number of the user's ID card. This information is of use for Network Terminals.


The password is used with the Logon ID to identify the user when they log on to Pharos applications. Passwords are optional, and may be left blank.

Users can change their password later if the Administrator allows this privilege on the Security tab of the System Properties context.

The system accepts a maximum of up to 255 characters for user passwords.


This property indicates whether the user account is currently authorized to use the system.

You may want to have accounts inactive initially, if the User is to be billed in advance and must first place funds in the account through an Administrator or Cashier, who then authorizes the user's access to the system.


Access to Pharos objects will be based on the roles that are assigned to users. Pharos Uniprint is shipped with the following default roles:

  • Administrator role is intended for use by staff who will administer the Pharos system. The Administrator has access to all the Pharos objects and can perform any tasks.
  • Cashier role is intended for use by staff who are trusted to handle funds. By default, Cashiers can credit and debit funds to and from user accounts via Pharos Remote. Moreover, the Cashier can also perform job management tasks such as moving jobs to other Print Groups.
  • Proctor role is intended for use by laboratory administrators and help desk staff. Proctors can log into Pharos Remote for low level, daily system administration, such as purging printer queues and setting user passwords; the SignUp Nerve Center allows them to make block reservations, and SignUp can be configured to allow them to log onto any computer regardless of reservations.
  • User role has no special permissions. A User is allowed to interact with the system (e.g. reserve PCs, release their own print jobs), but not to administer it in any way.

Roles are added, configured, edited, and deleted from the System > Permissions context.


User accounts are grouped in the Pharos system for ease of configuration and maintenance. Assigning a user to a group makes it easier to administrate messages: one action covers all users who belong to the group.

Assigning a user to a group is also part of the Pharos security configuration: permissions to use components of the system are assigned by group, not by user.


A free-form text note about the user, shown only in Pharos Administrator.

Custom Field 1

Custom Field 2

The two Custom fields allow you enter any other details that may be relevant to the user. These details can be used when interfacing with an external system.


Property Description


The Address details for the user. The information is stored as contact details if required by the Administrator.


User's email addresses, separated by commas.

An email address consists of a local part (containing letters, digits, and the punctuation marks !#$%&'*+-./=?^_`{|}~ only., and @sign, and a domain part (containing only letters, digits, dots, and hyphens).

As of Uniprint 9.1, there is no limit to the number of characters in the email address field. This enables users to have an unlimited number of email addresses in the Pharos Database. For example, users can register as many email addresses as they want to submit MobilePrint jobs.

Phone Number

The Phone Number for the user.


Property Description

Billing Option

Whether the user's activity is limited to what the account balance can cover. Two different billing options are available:

  • Arrears billing, where users can go into debt. Users in arrears can be sent an invoice for charging.
  • Advance billing, where users are billed before performing any transaction (e.g. printing a job, using a copier), and cannot go into debt. A user who is configured to pay in advance cannot print if that print job would make their balance negative. Payment in advance requires deposits into the user’s account, which may be through a cashier or via transfer from a cash card.

If Third Party Charging is used, users should be set to Arrears.

To use cash cards as a payment option for printing, users may be set to either Arrears or Advance. Pharos recommends using the Advance setting to prevent jobs printing if the money on the card runs out.

Discount Rate Schedule

The Discount Rate Schedule controls discounts on printing charges, based on volumes used. If specified, this setting overrides the Discount Rate Schedule set for the User Group.

As of Uniprint 8.2, Discount Rate Schedule is no longer supported. This property is no longer available from Uniprint 8.3 or later versions. If you upgraded from versions earlier than 8.2, it is available for editing.

Account Balance

The account balances for all internal accounts. This value does not include money held in any third party billing systems or on stored value cards.

Users’ funds are stored in three separate “purses”, meaning that users effectively have three separate balances, which can be credited and debited independently of one another. By default, these purses are called Technology Grant, Tuition Fees and User Pays. The names of the three purses can be changed to suit the organization.

External Billing Offline Limit

The amount of money the User can spend when an external billing system is offline.

This is a separate value from the User Transaction Limit that applies when the Pharos Database Server is offline.

Offline Billing is enabled from the System Properties context

External Billing Offline Amount

The total amount charged to this user's account while the billing service has been offline (and not yet successfully charged in the billing system).

Activity Summary

A summary of the billable activities for this User.

  • Printing by jobs/ sheets/ pages
  • Copying by jobs/ prints (pages)
  • Faxing and/or scanning by jobs/ pages
  • Computers by the number of sessions and the number of minutes used

The total resources used by all Users in a group appear under Users >  Groups > Billing.

Cost Center Permissions

The Cost Center that this User has permission to use, in Categories for which constraints by user are enabled.

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