Changing Print Group Properties

The following properties can be configured for each Print Group in Pharos Administrator. Print Group properties are divided into the following categories:


Property Description


The name that uniquely identifies a Print Group in the Pharos system.


Free-form text description of the Print Group.

Print Type

A read-only property, which determines whether jobs on this Print Group are sent to a printer immediately or on a user's later instruction.

A Print Group can be one of the following types:

  • Direct Printing - Print jobs are routed to the best printer immediately (after costing).
  • Secure Release - Print jobs are held until they are released by a user at a Release Station or from Pharos Remote.

If the Print Type of a Print Group is changed (from Secure to Direct) after the job has been printed. The jobs are still listed from the terminals and can be released. However, new jobs will be treated as direct jobs.

In versions earlier than 8.3, the Print Type property was associated with a Queue. As of 8.3, the Print Type is defined on the Print Group that is associated with the Queue.

Purge Time (Minutes)

The length of time that a Secure Release job is available for release after it is submitted. After this time, it is automatically deleted. The default purge time value is 120 minutes.

This property is only available for a "Secure Release" Print Group. In a Direct printing system, jobs are released automatically, and are not held in the Print Group for any length of time.

Users with Proctor-level permissions may be given permission to delete another user's print jobs in the Permissions context.

Job Cost Method

The Job Cost Method used to calculate costs for all print jobs on this Print Group.

Related Printers

A list of printers associated with the Print Group. All print jobs submitted to Queue associated with the Print Group will be available on all the related printers defined for the Print Group.

All printers in a group must all have compatible printer drivers and capabilities. Uniprint does not check for this - you must ensure that any printer you associate with a Print Group is compatible with the other devices in the group.

Related Queues

A read-only list of Queues associated with the Print Group.

Management Zone

The Management Zone assigned to the Print Group. This property affects the privileges a role will have over this Print Group.

This property will only be visible if a given role has permissions on more than one Management Zone.

Property Description

Banner Type

A banner is an optional information page that is added to the start of every print job, and if so how to produce it.

 A sample banner template named sample.txt can be found on the Pharos disk image, in the directory \tools\templates\banners.

 There are two ways of generating a banner page:

  • Use a program banner, which is an executable that is launched just before the job is printed, generating the banner page
  • Use a banner template, which is a text file containing keywords that are replaced by the relevant job information. This file is added on to the start of the print job.

To change the type of banner used by a Print Group, select an option from the combo box in this field. If banner pages are not used, select "<None>".

Uniprint supports special characters for French, Italian, German and Spanish in Banners. A sample banner page named “Sample supporting FIGS.txt” can be found on the main Pharos disk image, in the directory \tools\templates\banners.

Make sure that the executable banner file exists on all Print Servers.


A path to the executable program or the template file used to generate banners for this Print Group.