Changing SignUp Options

The following Pharos Station properties apply only to Reservation Stations.

Pharos Station (Print Center mode) does not support Reservation Stations.


Property Description

SignUp Server

The SignUp Server to which this Pharos Station connects in order to make reservations.

Default Computer Group

The Computer Group to use by default for reservations created at this Pharos Station.

Users can reserve the Computers in any Computer Group from the same Branch as this Pharos Station. When a user makes a reservation at this Pharos Station, this Group appears as the default location for the reservation, before the user selects their preferred location.

Default Computer Type

The Computer Type to use by default for reservations created at this Pharos Station.

Computer Type is one of the properties that users must specify when making a reservation. The most commonly used computer type can be specified as the default.

If no computers of this type are available when a user goes to make a reservation, the next available type will be presented.


Determines which features are available when creating reservations on this Pharos Station. Options are:

  • Can Select Group: allow users to select a Computer Group other than the default one.

Location (Computer Group) is one of the properties that users must specify when making a reservation. Users can either select a location for themselves, or they can be restricted to reserving only those computers in the default group (which will be the same group as the Pharos Station).

  • Can Make Scheduled Reservations : allow users to create Scheduled Reservations (subject to the Computer Group's settings)
  • Can Print Receipts  make a "Print Receipt" button available on the confirmation screen of a Reservation Station, allowing a user to print out a receipt containing details of their reservation.

A Print Receipt button can be made available on the confirmation screen of a Reservation Station, allowing a user to print out a receipt containing details of their reservation.

Regardless of what is selected here, a printer must be attached to the Reservation Station for the Print Receipt button to be available.

Receipts can be customized by editing the receipt templates located in the Pharos\bin directory

Scheduled Reservation Lockout (Minutes)

The minimum amount of time between when a user makes a Scheduled Reservation from this Pharos Station and when the reservation is scheduled to start. In systems with both Scheduled and Queued Reservations, a reservation cannot in any case be scheduled so that it is likely to start before a Queued Reservation made earlier, but taking the time not required for Queued Reservations can create gaps between reservations during which computers must sit idle; a Scheduled Reservation Lockout period can alleviate this problem.

For example, if the Scheduled Reservation Lockout is set to 120 minutes, the earliest users can make a Scheduled reservation for is in two hours time, which is likely to be more of a wait than simply joining the queue.

To change the Scheduled Reservation Lockout period, enter a new value (in minutes) into this field. The default is zero, which means that a lockout period will not be applied.

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