Pharos Registry Entries

Configuration options for most Pharos components are stored in the registry on any PC on which Pharos components are installed. In most cases, the registry is a useful way of viewing a component’s current configuration options (options which can usually be set in Pharos Administrator); however, in some cases, manually editing the registry is the only way to activate or customize certain advanced features.

Most Pharos components store their registry information at


Sub-keys for all installed components are located under this key. Available sub-keys are:

Page counting and Secure Release components store their registry information at



Pharos Administrator also stores user-specific preferences in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.




MachineName REG_SZ

This registry key is used to support fully qualified domain name (FDQN) on servers and cluster installations.

This key is automatically created with cluster installs or when servers use FQDN (i.e. in the Server Configuration context of Pharos Administrator). If it is not created, you need to manually create it.

Follow these steps to add this registry key:

  1. Stop the "Pharos Print Server" in Windows Services.
  2. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server(s) in the System > Server Configuration context of Pharos Administrator.
  3. Add the MachineName registry key to the root of the Pharos registry.
  4. Restart the "Pharos Print Server" and the "Pharos SignUp Server" in Windows Services.


Installed Components

A registry containing information on the Pharos components installed on the PC is installed with all Pharos components. This key is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Installed Components.







The path that Pharos components are installed to.

Program Files\Pharos

[Component Name] e.g. Pharos LPD Server


The version (build) number of the component.


The Installed Components key contains a value for each installed component, giving the version number for the component. This information is used by the Pharos installers/upgraders and uninstallers to detect which components are present (and whether or not they need upgrading).

Log Registry Keys

Most Pharos components use the Logging Service introduced in Uniprint 8.2 to generate logging information. However, the following Pharos components still use the old-style logging, which includes an optional key that specifies options for debug output, if needed:

  • Pharos Station
  • Popup Client
  • SignUp Client

The installer creates the registry values for these components. Log information is stored in the registry under:




Gateway Registry Keys

Most Pharos Gateways store configuration information in the gateway as well. This information is edited with the gateway's configuration tool (installed with the gateway).