Uniprint Registry Entries

LPD Server

Registry entries for the Pharos LPD Server are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\LPD Server.





Pass Through


When set to 1, the LPD Server ignores file format information (TEXT or RAW) supplied by the LPR client, and puts the print job into the  queue telling Windows the job is a RAW job. (This is a workaround for some LPR clients that treat Postscript jobs as Text.)


Submit new jobs via Secure Release


This setting has to be manually added to the registry.

If the value is set to 1, print jobs are pushed directly to the Secure Release Service Job Store bypassing the Windows Spooler. When set to 0 or if not present, print jobs will go via the Windows Spooler before being pushed to the Secure Release Service Job Store.

The check is done on the arrival of every job so rebooting the LPD Service is not necessary after the registry change.


Page Counter

The Page Counter is a small executable installed with the Print Service, which determines the page count and other attributes of print jobs controlled by Uniprint. Registry entries for the Page Counter are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Page Counter. However, you can find other registry keys that affect the Page Counter in the Secure Release Service location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\PageCounting.

If you happen to have a registry key that appears on both locations (\Page Counter and \PageCounting), the one in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\PageCounting takes precedence over the key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Page Counter.

The Page Counter has a number of options that can be adjusted in two ways:

  1. Through the Windows registry. The Page Counter looks under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Pharos\Page Counter for these. Note however that the Page Counter is a 32-bit application; if it is running on a 64-bit system (which is likely to be the case today), Windows will redirect it to look in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Pharos\Page Counter first.
  2. Through command line options, passed when the Print Server invokes the Page Counter.

When registry and command line options differ, the command line option overrides the registry setting.

Options are listed below, in the form they are expected to appear in the registry. The values attached to an option can be one of these types:

  • String values. Enter these in the registry as REG_SZ values.
  • Integer values. These can be entered as either REG_DWORD values, or as strings (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.
  • Boolean (true or false) values. These can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

The corresponding command line option can be obtained by adding a hyphen in front of the option name, replacing any spaces with hyphens or leaving them out, and adding “=value” after the option name. For example, the “Allow Empty PJL” option can be switched on at the command line using “-allow-empty-pjl=1” or “-allowemptypjl=1”.

Both registry and command line option names are case insensitive. Default values are listed here only when they differ from the normal defaults (an empty string, zero for an integer, or false for a boolean).

While most Page Counter values under the Pharos\Page Counter can be changed "on the fly" and will immediately picked up (no Print Server restart required); values under the PharosSystems\Pagecountingand the PageStats registry (under Pharos\Page Counter) require a restart of the Secure Release Service to implement the changes.

Some values must be manually created - this is indicated in the value's description.

If you configure any of the following Page Counter registries on one Print Server, make sure that you also set them up on all the other Print Servers. This is particularly important for Pharos MobilePrint because jobs are load balanced across all the Print Servers.





Allow Empty PJL


If the PageCcounter encounters a spool file that contains only an empty PJL wrapper and no actual document, this is normally treated as an error. Switching this option on will cause it to be accepted as a document with zero pages.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Color Default


This setting controls how color is reported when the page counter is unable to determine it from encrypted PDF documents. If this value is set to 0 (the default), the documents will be reported as Black and White and will be charged as such. If it is set to 1, they will be reported as color instead.

This value must be manually created to force encrypted PDF documents to charge color rather than mono.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.


"Devmode Booklet” (boolean) “Devmode Copies” (integer) “Devmode Duplex” (boolean) “Devmode Pages Per Side” (integer) “Devmode Poster” (integer)


These may be passed by the Print Server when additional information about the document is available from the internal DEVMODE fields. These should never be set manually.  
  • Dump Command
  • Dump Options


These are used for debugging; they cause the Page Counter to dump its command line and registry options to the debugging log. They have no other effect on its behavior.

These settings should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). They can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

  • Driver 1
  • Driver2


These may be passed by the Print Server to identify the print driver DLL and data file (respectively) used to generate the spool file. In some cases, this can help the Page Counter to identify the job’s language more accurately. These should never be set manually.  
  • ESCP2 Lines
  • ESCPage Lines


When these are set, a page break is forced after the specified number of lines when processing ESC/P2 or ESC/Page jobs. This was required by some older printers that relied on implicit page breaking, but is unlikely to be required with any modern printer.

These can be entered as either REG_DWORD values, or as strings (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

This value must be manually created.


Force DSC


In some unusually complicated PostScript jobs, the Page Counter may be unable to interpret the PostScript correctly and will fall back to reading the DSC comments instead, which are not as reliable and contain no information about color.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

Setting this option will tell it to skip the PostScript entirely, always relying solely on DSC for PostScript jobs.

This value must be manually created.


Force HPGL2


In early versions of the Page Counter, detection of HPGL/2 and PCL/5 jobs was not always reliable, and this option could be used to help it. In current releases, this is no longer necessary, and this option should not be set.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Ignore DSC


This is the opposite of the “Force DSC” flag, telling the Page Counter to skip the DSC pass if the PostScript pass fails.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Include Global Attributes


When this value is set to 1, attributes that are global to the document (e.g. Duplex) will be included in the page or sheet sections. The setting is ignored if page or sheet statistics are not being generated.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.


Keep Pages In Order


Statistics for individual pages are normally grouped, all similar pages being reported in a single line. If this registry is set, pages will be grouped only if they are adjacent, so the output list of page attributes matches their order in the document.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Last Page Simplex


This setting has to be manually added to the registry to determine how to charge the last page of odd number pages in duplex job.

If this value is set to 0 or does not exist, the behavior depends on the version of Uniprint installed. For versions earlier than 8.2, last page odd number pages will be treated as duplex. Beginning with 8.2, they will be treated as simplex.

If this value is set to 1, last page odd number pages will be treated as simplex.

If this value is set to 2, last page odd number pages will be treated as duplex.

These can be entered as either REG_DWORD values, or as strings (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.




Some Lexmark spool files do not specify a paper size because the driver knows that the printer only supports one size. If a paper size (e.g. “A4” or “Letter”) is entered here, this size will be assumed for such jobs.

This value must be manually created.


Max Load


In older versions of Uniprint, this was used to limit the number of simultaneous Page Counter processes. In current releases, this setting has no effect.

This value must be manually created.


Max PS File Size


If this is set to a positive integer, the Page Counter will skip the PostScript pass for PostScript files larger than this size (in megabytes), going straight to the DSC pass.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

This value must be manually created.


MonoColor Detection


If this is set to 1 or 2, ‘MonoColor’ reporting is enabled and when the document is printed in mono color( eg the ‘Color Output Mode’ is set to be ‘Cyan’ or ‘Magenta’ in some RISO driver) , if it is set to 1, ‘Mono’ or ‘Color’ in each page will be replaced with ‘MonoColor’. If it is set to 2, ‘MonoColor’ is added as a per job attribute while retaining the ‘Mono’ or ‘Color’ attribute in each page.

The default behavior is not to report MonoColor .

This value must be manually created.


No Blank Pages


If this value is set to 1, the page counter will not include blank pages in the page count for a document. If this value is set to 2, the page counter ignores blank pages at the end of the document.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.


Output Format


This controls the format of the Page Counter’s output; the options are “text” or “xml”. This should not normally be set; the XML option is only for use with specialized software.

This value must be manually created.


Page Stats


This value determines whether page-level or sheet-level job details are returned. If set to 1, the page counter uses page-level job details. If this value is set to 2, the page counter will return sheet-level job details.

These details are used by the BillingName, CostJob, ForwardJob, MoveJob, PrintJob, SelectPrinter plug-ins. This value must be manually created.

This setting is applied only after the Secure Release Service has been restarted.


Paper List


This can be set to a comma-delimited list of paper sizes (e.g. “Letter, Legal”). If this is set, the Page Counter will not report the exact paper size it finds in the spool file, but instead will report the smallest size on the list that the document can fit on. This can be useful with some types of plotter, which report only the area taken up by the graphics drawn on a page, and not the full page size.

This value must be manually created.


PCL Lines


When this is set, a page break is forced after the specified number of lines when processing PCL/5 jobs. This was required by some older printers that relied on implicit page breaking but is unlikely to be required with any modern printer.  

PJL Override


This setting controls how copy counts are reconciled when the main document and the Printer Job Language (PJL) header have different values.

If this value is set to 0, the document's copy count will override the one in the PJL.

If this value is set to 1, the copy count in the PJL will override the one in the document.

If this value is set to 2, it will use the larger of the two copy counts. This is the default behavior.

This setting has to be manually added to the registry.


Prefix Only


If this is set, the Page Counter only reads the document’s PJL prefix, and stops reading when it reaches the beginning of the actual document. This is used internally by some of our products, and should never be set manually.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.


Prescribe Enable


“Prescribe” is a job control code used by some manufacturers instead of PJL. This option controls how document stats are reconciled when the main document and the Prescribe commands disagree, and works in the same way as the “PJL Override” option

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

This value must be manually created.


PS Enable Embedded Binary


Indicates whether to allow binary data embedded in PostScript files. Normally this is allowed.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


PS Subfile Limit


This determines the maximum number of images embedded in a single PostScript page before the Page Counter gives up on the PostScript and switches to only reading the DSC comments. Setting this to a larger value can sometimes help if the DSC results turn out to be unreliable, but keep in mind that this can greatly inflate the Page Counter’s memory usage and run time.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

This value must be manually created.


Report Dimensions


When this value is set to 1, the page counter returns the dimensions of the paper printed. This is necessary for Area Costing. This value is created automatically on Printer Servers - it must be created manually elsewhere.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.


Report Eprint


If this is set, any HP ePrint headers found in the document will be reported to the debugging log.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Runtime Stats


If this is set, the Page Counter will report how much memory it used to the debugging log.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Set Booklet


This forces the booklet feature on, overriding the settings in the document.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Set Copies


If this is set to a positive integer, it overrides any copy count found in the document.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.


Set Default Page Size


This sets a default page size for N-up printing. It has no effect unless “Set Pages Per Side” is also used.  

Set Duplex


This forces the job to be counted as duplex, overriding the settings in the document.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Set Mono


This forces the job to be counted as monochrome, overriding any color settings in the document.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Set Pages Per Side


If this is set to an integer greater than 1, the job is reported as if it was printed N-up, merging groups of adjacent pages into one.  

Set Poster


If this is set to an integer greater than 1, the job is treated as “poster printing”, splitting each page into multiple pages.  

Text Check


If this value is set to 1, then text files must be plain text only – no control characters beyond TAB, CR, NL or FF. If it is set to 0, the page counter will attempt to parse binary files as text.


Text Lines


Number of lines per page assumed when page counting text jobs.


Use Page Length


If this value is created and set to 1, the Page Counter will only use the length of a page to determine its paper size. This is necessary for certain printer drivers that only use the page length, and return incorrect page widths.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

This value must be manually created.


Use Windows Info on Page Count Failure


This registry has been introduced in Service Pack 1 of Uniprint 8.3 to ensure that printing continues in case the Pharos Page Counter fails.

If it is set to 1, when the Pharos Page Counter fails, Uniprint will apply the Windows page count to the job (which is often a value of 1). An alert 29506 will be raised -"Page Counter results created by applying Windows supplied information".

If this registry is set to 0, or is not present, and the Pharos Page Counter fails, the result of the count will be zero (0). What happens to the job depends on other registry settings, particularly the ‘Zero Length Jobs’ setting under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Print Serve. If Print Server allows Zero length jobs, then the job will proceed with a zero page count, which means zero cost.

If you want to specify your own default values on a Page Counter failure, set this registry to 0, set the "Use Defaults on Error" registry to 1, and then set the values that you want for each of the following registries. The values entered for these registries will serve as fake page counts if the Pharos Page Counter fails.

If both the Use Windows Info on Page Count Failure and the Use Defaults on Error registries are set to 1, Uniprint will attempt to use the Windows information to create page counter results. On the other hand, if both are set to 0, what happens to the job depends on whether the ‘Zero Length Jobs’ settings is enabled. If Zero Length jobs are disabled (set to 0) then the job will be cancelled. However, if Zero length jobs are allowed (registry is set to 1) then the job will be retained.

To apply the changes, you must restart the Pharos Systems Secure Release Service.


Popup Client

Registry entries for the Popup Client are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Popup Client.

All of these values must be manually created.







If this value is set to 1, Popups, checks the document name of successive print jobs. If the names match and the SkipDialogTimeout period is not exceeded, the Popup Server assumes the second job is a continuation of the first.




How long (in seconds) the Popup dialog stays on screen. If this timeout expires, the dialog closes and the print job is not sent. However, whenever a user is takes an action on the Popup client, the timeout is restarted. This means that as long as the user does something with the Popup Client (e.g. typing part of an answer) at intervals below the configured timeout, the dialog remains.

This value must be manually created. If it is not present, the dialog remains indefinitely.




Normally, the Cost Center Interface on the Popup Client does not display any Cost Centers until the user searches for them.

If this value is present and set to 1 and the 'Hide History' property of the Cost Center Question Group is set to 'Yes', all Cost Centers are displayed as soon as the interface appears.




The maximum time, in seconds, that may exist between print jobs if the Popup Server is to assume they are parts of the one job.


Two sub-keys are located under the main Popup Client key.


This sub-key contains a key for each printer that the Popup Client uses. Since there may be more than one Popups printer on a client PC, there may be more than one key under this sub-key. Each printer key contains the following values:







The name of the Print Server that the printer prints to.




The IP address of the Print Server that the printer prints to.




The name of the  Queue on the Print Server that the printer prints to.




It uniquely identifies the Queue in a way that doesn't change if the Queue is renamed, enabling any new package installer to detect whether an existing Popup printer is for the same Queue as the printer it's installing.



This sub-key contains information on the Popup Server that the Popup Client communicates with.







The amount of time, in seconds, that the Popup Client will wait for a response from the server.




Port number that the Popup Service is listening on. This can be found on the Network Properties tab of the System Settings context.


Temporary Print Jobs Values

Popups uses the following key to keep track of print jobs as they are processed:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PharosSystems\OutputManagement\PrintTracker\PopupProxy\Print Jobs

Values are dynamically created and deleted here as they are needed. This key contains no values that need configuration, and should not be altered.

Popup Service

Registry entries for the Popup Service are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Popup Server. By default, no values exist under this key. The following value can be manually created:







Where Popups integrates with a DMS (Document Management System), this value tells the Popup Server where the configuration file for the DMS DLL is located. The DMS DLL is used by the Popup client to retrieve cost centers from a DMS.


Print Service

Registry entries for the Pharos Print Service are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Print Server.

Some values must be manually created - this is indicated in the value's description.





Banner Max Size REG_DWORD

The maximum file size(in bytes) for a banner binary file. This registry setting must be added manually if the file size of the banner page is known to be larger than 32kB.

If not present, the print server enforces a limit on the page size of 32kB.

Make sure that this value is not set to 0 or the banner will not be printed.

Custom Charge Expiry Minutes REG_DWORD

This value specifies the length of time (in minutes) that a custom charge job is available for release after it is submitted. After this time, custom charge jobs will be deleted from the Secure Release job store.

If not present, custom charge jobs remain in the Secure Release job store for 30 days. This is the default value. If you want to change the default value, you have to manually add this registry.

If the value is 0, custom charge jobs will never expire.


Inactivity Timeout


This value specifies the period of time, in seconds, after which a client connection will be closed by the server if the client has ceased all activity. This value must be manually created.


Include JobId In JobName To Printer REG_DWORD

If this is set to 1, it appends the Job ID after the job name when a job is released to an LPR printer. If set to 0,the Job ID is not appended to the job name.


Informed Print Timeout


The amount of time (in seconds) that Informed Print notification-only ballon message will be displayed for. This value must be manually created.

Cost Acceptance message uses a hard-coded 30 seconds timeout.


List Jobs Timeout Milliseconds REG_DWORD

The length of time (in milliseconds) that a server waits for a response from another server when listing print jobs at a Release Station or Print Center. After this time, the server will stop waiting for a response from the other server and get on with the rest of its processing.

This value must be manually created.

If this registry setting is not present, the delay in completing connection attempt is around 20 seconds. If you wish to set the delay longer than this value, you must manually create this registry setting.

The Secure Release Service must be restarted after adding this registry key.

Max Buffer Size(MB) REG_DWORD

This value specifies the maximum write buffer size (in MB) used for communication between Pharos components. If not present, the default buffer size is set to 25 MB, which should be sufficient under most conditions.

If you encounter an error message on your log file similar to “Writing to buffer of 31663696 bytes would exceed 26214400, maximum buffer limit (already with 0 bytes)”, you can manually create this registry key to increase the buffer size limit up to 1024 MB.

In the error message given above, 31663696 bytes represents the actual size of the failed request, and 26214400 (25 MB) is the current max buffer size.


Maximum Connections


This value specifies how many connections from clients the server can have open at one time. Connections in excess of this number will be rejected. This value must be manually created.


MFD Alert Threshold REG_DWORD This is the number of identical consecutive MFD status errors that will cause an alert to be logged. 10

MFD Print Fail


If this is set to 1, a print job is failed when the only available printer is an MFD reserved for copying.


New Connection Timeout


This value specifies the period of time, in seconds, after which a newly opened connection will be closed by the server if the client simply opens the connection and never does anything with it. This value must be manually created.


Plug-in Timeout


The maximum time any Plug-in can execute for (in seconds).


Release Failure Retry Max Count REG_DWORD

In the rare case where a native print job fails to reach or completely be delivered to a device, for example due to networking issues or LPR protocol issues, the Print Server will automatically reattempt to deliver these failed print jobs.

This value specifies the maximum number of retries. If this value is set to 0 no retries will be attempted.

This value must be manually created.

Release Failure Retry Interval Seconds REG_DWORD

This amount of time (in seconds) before the next retry begins. For example, setting this value to 0 means immediate retry.

This value must be manually created.

SNMP Failure Retry Max Count REG_DWORD

In the case where a printer fails to respond to the server's query about its online state, for example due to networking issues or LPR protocol issues, the Print Server will automatically repeat the query.

This value specifies the maximum number of queries. If this value is set to 1, the server will give up if there is no response the first time.

This value must be manually created.


The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the server waits for a response from a printer when checking that it is online. After this time, the server will retry (if so configured, see "SNMP Failure Retry Max Count" above).

This value must be manually created.

Spooler Timeout REG_DWORD

An optional setting that specifies the maximum time that the Print Server should wait for the Print Spooler to become available, on each Print Server startup and on each Change Control(in seconds).

During startup or change control, the Print Server now waits for the Print Spooler Service to become ready before trying to use the spooler function. If the spooler service is not ready within the set timeout, an alert with error code 29089 and error message "Failed to connect to Print Spooler service, and could not retrieve Secure Port Names." will be created.


Status String Match


This value is interpreted as an extended regular expression. It must contain only lowercase characters. If the expression matches the status string of a print job in a print queue, the printer the job resides in is considered to be in error. Note that regular expressions can use the | character to give options for the match, e.g. (error)|(bug)|(fail).

If a printer is in error but the Print Server is still forwarding jobs to it, the regular expression may need to be changed.


Strict Popup Security


If this is set to 1, a print job is failed when it is printed to a Direct  Queue via Pharos Popups and the user has supplied a username, but no password Popup Question is asked.


TCP Buffer Size for LPR REG_DWORD

This property has to be manually created to allow you to change the size of TCP buffer (in bytes) for the socket to talk to the printer via LPR protocol.

The accepted values are from 1kB to 512kB. Take note that the maximum buffer size is OS dependent. Some OSes may have a maximum buffer size of 64KB, for example. If this property is not present, the default TCP buffer size of 65536 bytes (64kB) is enforced.

The Secure Release Service must be restarted after adding this registry key.

65536 bytes
TCP Buffer Size for RAW REG_DWORD

This property has to be manually created to allow you to change the size of TCP buffer (in bytes) for the socket to talk to the printer via RAW protocol.

The accepted values are from 1kB to 512kB. Take note that the maximum buffer size is OS dependent. Some OSes may have a maximum buffer size of 64KB, for example.

If this property is not specified, the default TCP buffer size of 65536 bytes (64kB) is enforced.

The Secure Release Service must be restarted after adding this registry key.


Zero Length Jobs


Setting this value to 1 allows the printing of jobs which are zero pages long.

When set to 1, this allows jobs to proceed even if the pagecounter fails (which results in a zero page count) and the Windows pagecount is not applied (i.e. when the ‘Use Windows Info On Page Count Failure registry setting is off), or the Windows page count somehow returns 0 itself. The job will be listed as zero pages (and zero cost) and can be printed.


Page Counting

Other Page Counter related registry entries are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\PageCounting.





Color Check


Setting this value to zero disables the detection of the Color attribute in print jobs. This value must be manually created. If it is not present (or if it is set to 1), color detection is turned on.

This setting should be of type "Boolean" (true or false). It can be entered as REG_DWORD with the value 0 or 1, or as REG_SZ with the value “0” or “1”.

The Color Check registry does not work in Uniprint 9.1. The workaround is to use the "Set Mono" registry setting. If color detection is not required, you must create the "Set Mono" registry and set the value to 1. This forces the job to be counted as monochrome, overriding any color settings in the document. For more information about this registry setting, Set Mono.

Default Job Attributes on Error REG_SZ

This is the default value used for a Job Attribute (e.g. PCL, A4, Simplex) on a page counter failure.

These values are used only if the Windows Print information is NULL and the Use Defaults on Error is set to 1.

Default Job Copies on Error REG_DWORD

This is the default value used for a Job Copy on a page counter failure.

These values are used only if the Windows Print information is NULL and the Use Defaults on Error is set to 1.

Default Job Pages on Error REG_DWORD

This is the default value used for a Job Page on a page counter failure.

These values are used only if the Windows Print information is NULL and the Use Defaults on Error is set to 1.

Default Job Sheets on Error REG_DWORD

This is the default value used for a Job Sheet on a page counter failure.

These values are used only if the Windows Print information is NULL and the Use Defaults on Error is set to 1.

Disable REG_DWORD Whether or not the Page Counter is active. Setting this value to zero enables Page Counter; setting it to 1 disables it. 0

Interactive Timeout


This value controls the maximum time the page counter can execute for (in seconds).


Max Instances


This is the maximum number of page counters that will run concurrently (by default this is four). If page counters run beyond that, they will wait until a free slot opens. 5
Memory Limit REG_DWORD

This controls how much memory (in MB) the Page Counter process is allowed to use.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD value, or as string (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

On upgrade from earlier versions, this value is checked and is changed if the value is lower than 256 MB.

This value must be manually created.

StoreFiles REG_DWORD

This registry determines whether to store spool files on Page Counter failure. The following values can be used:

  • 0 = don't store . This is the default value.
  • 1 = always store
  • 2 = on failure

Time Limit


This value specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) allowed when attempting to pagecount a job. If this value is set to a number greater than zero, the Page Counter monitors its run time, and will abort the pagecount attempt if the time taken exceeds this value. This value must be manually created.

This can be entered as either REG_DWORD values, or as strings (REG_SZ) containing the value as a decimal number.

Use Defaults on Error REG_DWORD

This registry controls the following registry entries.

  • Default Job Attributes on Error
  • Default Job Copies on Error
  • Default Job Pages on Error
  • Default Job Sheets on Error

It determines whether to use the values set on the registry settings mentioned above.

If set to 0, the values will be ignored. If set to 1, the values in those registry settings will be used as a fake page count if the Page Counter fails.


Secure  Release

Registry entries for the Secure Release Service are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\SecureRelease.







The server port used by all web service endpoints, i.e. RESTful service port in Uniprint.




Indicates the status of the Secure Release Service .The registry value of 0 indicates online mode and 1 indicates offline mode.



Registry entries for the Device Close Time Out are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\SecureRelease\DeviceCloseTimeOut.

Under certain conditions when delivering print jobs via the RAW protocol, part or occasionally all of the print job would not be output at the device. This occurs more when combining certain printer drivers with certain devices. The Secure Release Service includes this registry to allow a small delay to the closure of the connection to the device at the end of the print communication to ensure the job is fully delivered.

The default amount of time (in seconds) in which the Secure Release Service delays the completion of a print job delivery to give the job time to get to the device is 5 seconds. The duration of the delay can be changed if desired by creating the ‘DeviceCloseTimeOut’ key in the registry as above. The ‘default’ value inside this key can be set to the desired new value.

It is also possible to add individual delays for specific devices if desired by creating a D-WORD entry in this registry key for any device you wish to have an individual entry for. Set the entry name to the Name of the device in Uniprint and define the value in seconds. The default value is 5 seconds.

This registry must be manually created.

Secure Port

Registry entries for the Secure Port are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\SecureRelease\SecurePort.







A command that will automatically run when user is doing 'Configure Port' to PharosSecurePort i.e. when viewing the assigned port for a printer in the printer "Properties" dialog.  



The TCP port that the Secure Port Monitor talks to in the Secure Release Service when sending a job from the spooler to the service. 2357
NumberOfSecurePorts REG_DWORD This represents the number of Secure Ports created for concurrent print jobs. 10
SecondarySecurePortPrefix REG_SZ This is the prefix used for naming secondary ports (e.g. PS1, PS2). PS


These settings are applied to Uniprint by default. If you want to change the default values, you can add the following registry entries for the SQLite Database at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PharosSystems\SecureRelease\Database.







Whether the SQLite Database (i.e. database that stores an individual record for each job submitted to the Secure Release Service) is to be held in memory or on disk.

By default, the database is held in memory .To switch the SQLite Database to disk mode, set this registry to "Disk". To switch it back to use in-memory, change this setting to "Memory".


In Memory Threshold


The maximum file size of the SQLite Database to allow for loading into memory.

This threshold only applies on startup. If the SQLite database goes over 256MB while running, it will stay in memory. If the service falls back to disk mode because of the database size, a system event log message will be raised.

Updates Before Commit REG_DWORD

This represents the number of updates (i.e. Uniprint job information updates) to the SQLite Database before it is backed up to disk.

This works in conjunction with the Elapsed Time Before Commit setting.

By default, the SQLite Database is backed up to disk after every 5000 updates or after 5 minutes provided at least one change has been made.

Elapsed Time Before Commit REG_SZ

The time to wait before the SQLite Database is backed up to disk. It should be in the format HH:mm (e.g. 00:05 for 5 minutes).

This works in conjunction with the Updates Before Commit setting.

By default, the SQLite Database is backed up to disk after every 5,000 updates or after 5 minutes provided at least one change has been made.