SignUp Registry Entries

SignUp Client

Registry entries that control the behavior of the SignUp Client are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\SignUp Client.

Some values must be manually created - this is indicated in the value's description.






This value allows administrators to control whether or not the SignUp client populates the Logon ID field when a user comes to claim a reservation.

If the value is not present, or has a non-zero value, the Logon ID field is populated provided the following conditions are met: it is a Queued or Scheduled Reservation and the password prompt is not empty.

If the value is set to 0, the Logon ID field is not populated.


Background Color


Value for the background displayed on the SignUp Client logon screens. Value in the format RR GG BB.




If this value is greater than zero, it is used as the Inactivity Timeout for the SignUp Client (in seconds), overriding the Inactivity Timeout configured in Pharos Administrator. This value must be manually created.




Location where the SignUp Client writes its configuration information. This value may need to be altered if security software like Deep Freeze or Clean Slate is used.




Tells the SignUp Client how many times to try pinging the server. On some sites, network issues may mean that the Client ping to the SignUp Server will fail, causing the Client to be listed as "Faulty". Increasing the number of ping attempts will fix this problem (a sensible value for such networks is 3). A value of 0 means no ping (which shouldn't be used).




Allows administrators to switch off the SignUp Client screen saver, to cater for excessively slow machines. A value of 1 means the screen saver is on, 0 means it is off.


SignUp Server

A registry key containing information on the SignUp Service that the SignUp Client communicates with is located on all SignUp Client PCs at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\SignUp Server.

The SignUp Service also uses a key of this name. When both the client and service are installed on the same PC, values for both of them will exist under the same key.





Host Address


IP Address of the server that the SignUp Service runs on.


Port Name


The port that the SignUp Service uses.




The timeout (in seconds) for connecting to the SignUp Service.


SignUp Service

Registry entries for the SignUp Service are located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\SignUp Server.

The SignUp Client also uses a key of this name. If both the client and service are installed on the same PC, values for both of them will exist under the same key.





Allow Direct Windows Logon REG_DWORD

This value allows administrators to control whether the secret backdoor option which was available for bypassing the SignUp client altogether on newer OSes (ie Vista and above) is allowed or not.

The backdoor option is to press the following key combination: Ctrl+Shit+Enter (or Ctrl+Shift+Logon button).

Beginning with Uniprint 9.1, this registry key is created during install or upgrade and is set to 0, unless it already exists. If the value is set to 0, the use of the backdoor option on SignUp clients is not allowed. If the value is not present or is set to 1, the use of the backdoor option is allowed.

Issue a change control from the server to populate the setting out to clients.


Inactivity Timeout


This value specifies the period of time, in seconds, after which a client connection will be closed by the server if the client has ceased all activity. This value must be manually created.


Max Buffer Size(MB) REG_DWORD

This value specifies the maximum write buffer size (in MB) used for communication between Pharos components. If not present, the default buffer size is set to 25 MB, which should be sufficient under most conditions.

If you encounter an error message on your log file similar to “Writing to buffer of 31663696 bytes would exceed 26214400, maximum buffer limit (already with 0 bytes)”, you can manually create this registry key to increase the buffer size limit up to 1024 MB.

In the error message given above, 31663696 bytes represents the actual size of the failed request, and 26214400 (25 MB) is the current max buffer size.


Maximum Connections


This value specifies how many connections from clients the server can have open at one time. Connections in excess of this number will be rejected. This value must be manually created.


Minimum Sample Duration Percentage


Used to calculate estimated start times at the Queue Station. This value is the percentage of the Maximum Reservation Duration used by the estimation engine as a default minimum reservation duration for calculating the running average duration. E.g. if the Maximum Reservation Duration is 60 minutes, any reservations lasting less than 15 minutes (25% of 60) will be counted as lasting 15 minutes by the estimation engine. Any reservations lasting longer than 15 minutes will be counted as their actual duration.

25 (i.e. 25%)

New Connection Timeout


This value specifies the period of time, in seconds, after which a newly opened connection will be closed by the server if the client simply opens the connection and never does anything with it. This value must be manually created.


Plug-in Timeout


The maximum time any plug-in can execute for (in seconds).