SignUp Global Settings

The following properties are displayed on the SignUp Global Settings context. The options on this context apply across the entire reservation system. Related properties are grouped into separate sections. Click the button on a section's heading to expand that section.

Reservations section

Properties in the Reservations section apply to the process of placing, starting and processing all reservations.

Property Description

LAN Logons

This property determines how the SignUp Client logs users on to the PC. Two options are available:

LAN accounts only

Selecting this option means that users at the workstation are logged on to the LAN with the Logon ID and Password they supply. The same Logon ID and Password are used to authenticate against both the Pharos Database and the LAN.

Pharos does not recommend using this option without a Logon Plug-in, as the Pharos Database and network passwords can get out of step. Without a Logon Plug-in, Logon ID and Password must be stored in both the LAN and Pharos. The system verifies user logon details against the LAN and then against Pharos. If one of these comparisons fails, the user is rejected. Rejection is common if no other method of synchronizing Logon IDs or Passwords is used. Implementing a batch script that updates the database regularly is one method of keeping Database and network Passwords synchronized.

Logon Plug-ins are attached to Banks at System > Banks. To use one with SignUp, it must be attached to the Bank that your SignUp Server uses.

Common guest accounts

Selecting this option means that users are logged on to the LAN with a global account name and a global password, such as the account name and password for a Windows built-in account for guest access to computers/domains. The password may be blank. The account name (Logon ID) and password are obtained from the Environment assigned to the individual user.

When using guest accounts, the local account needs to be:

  • a local account when the machine is in a workgroup.
  • a domain account when the client machine is on a domain.

Environments are configured at SignUp > Environments.

Environments are associated with Users through their User Group at Users > Groups > General category.

Environments can also be specified for Computer Types. If a Computer Type has an Environment associated with it, this Environment will always be used to log users on to Computers of this Type, overriding their normal Environment.

Scheduled Reservations

Three options applying only to Scheduled Reservations are available for configuration:

Number of days in advance Patrons may make Scheduled Reservations

The maximum reservation period, measured in days, determines how far in advance users may reserve PCs. This period limits the number of reservation schedules the system has to maintain at any time. This restriction does not apply to Block Reservations.

To set how far in advance users may reserve PCs, enter a value into this field. The value must be between 0 and 28.

Minimum number of minutes between making a Scheduled Reservation and first time slot offered

The minimum reservation period (in minutes), which determines how soon a new reservation can be scheduled to start, if a computer is available. Since scheduled reservations start at the beginning of a minute, the interval may appear to users to be one minute longer than what is configured in this setting.

To set how soon a new reservation can be scheduled to start, enter a value into this field. The default value is 2 minutes.

Maximum Pending Scheduled Reservations per Patron

Identify the maximum number of Scheduled Reservations allowed to be outstanding at any time for any user. Setting this value limits the number of reservation schedules the system has to maintain at any time, and reduces potential abuse of the reservation system. Users may otherwise make multiple reservations for Computers to cover their possible future requirements, with no intention of using all the reservations

To set how many reservations a user may have pending, enter a value into this field. The value must be between 1 and 100.

User may only ever have one Queued Reservation outstanding at any time.

Users with Proctor or higher-level access can use the SignUp Nerve Center to schedule reservations on behalf of users. In this case, this limit does not apply.

This sets an overall restriction only. It does not limit user reservations within a specified time period. Users may be limited to three outstanding reservations each, but the system does not prevent these from being consecutive reservations for a Computer.

Auto-delete Username from SignUp Transactions after 24 hours

It may be a privacy requirement of the site that information about the identity of users making reservations is not retained.

To ensure that User IDs are removed from reservation transactions, check this box. Once per day, the User ID associated with all reservation Transactions more than 24 hours old is removed (set to null). The Transactions themselves are not removed.

Because the check is made once per day, it is possible for Transactions to retain their usernames for up to two days. For example, any Transactions that are 23 hours old when the Transactions are checked will not have their usernames removed at this point. They will be changed after the check on the following day (by which time they will be 47 hours old).

Cancellation section

A number of properties are available that pertain to reservations being automatically canceled or ended.



Unclaimed Scheduled Session timeout


This timeout determines the number of minutes the user has to get to their computer and start using it, once it has been assigned to them. If the user fails to log on before this period expires, the reservation is automatically canceled.

To set the Unclaimed Session timeout for Scheduled reservations, enter a value (in minutes) into this field.

For Scheduled Reservations, the Unclaimed Session timeout counts towards the length of the user's reservation. For example, if a user reserves a computer for 60 minutes, and gets to their computer 4 minutes after their reservation comes due, their session will last 56 minutes.

Unclaimed Queued Session timeout


This timeout determines the number of minutes the user has to get to their computer and start using it, once it has been assigned to them. If the user fails to log on before this period expires, the reservation is automatically canceled.

To set the Unclaimed Session timeout for Queued reservations, enter a value (in minutes) into this field.

For Queued Reservations, the Unclaimed Session timeout does not count towards the length of the user's reservation. To ensure that a Queued Reservation does not run over into a Scheduled Reservation, the maximum timeout is assumed when searching for an available computer. For example, if a user requests a 30 minute Queued reservation, and the Unclaimed Session timeout is 10 minutes, they will not be offered a computer that has 35 minutes before the next Scheduled reservation, because the total time that must be allowed for (30 + 10 = 40 minutes) exceeds this.

Inactivity timeout

This is the maximum length of time a PC can sit idle for during a session before the user is automatically logged off. The computer is considered idle if no keystrokes or mouse movements are detected. A warning is given before the user is logged off.

To set the Inactivity timeout for all sessions, enter a value (in minutes) into this field.

The Inactivity Timeout does not apply to Block reservations.

The default value for the Inactivity timeout is 1440 minutes, or one day. This is to ensure that this timeout will not interfere on sites where it is not wanted, and to minimise the impact of upgrading from earlier versions of Pharos. If you want to use the Inactivity timeout, you must set it to a useful value.

Lock Computer timeout

A user may lock the computer they are using from the Windows Security dialog. This timeout is the maximum amount of time a computer can stay locked before it is automatically unlocked and the session is canceled.

To set the Lock Computer timeout for all sessions, enter a value (in minutes) into this field.

Logon timeout

This timeout is the maximum amount of time (in seconds) the user has to log on, i.e. the time from initiating the logon to successfully inputting logon and password must not exceed this period. Setting a timeout for this activity ensures that users log on quickly.

To set the Logon timeout for all sessions, enter a value (in seconds) into this field.


Reservation about to finish warnings

The SignUp Client displays warning messages to the user when their session is due to finish. The warning messages themselves are configured at System > Prompts > SignUp. Two different warnings can be configured:


Time Low warning


This is an early, low-level warning to remind users that their session is coming to an end. This early warning can be generated any number of minutes before a session is due to terminate, but should allow enough time to leave unfinished tasks in a state where they can be easily picked up again.

To determine when the Time Low warning will be displayed, enter a value (in minutes) into this field. This value must be greater than the value for the Time Critical warning. A value of zero means the warning will not be given.

Time Critical warning


This is an urgent warning that the session will be terminated very soon. This critical warning can be generated any number of minutes before a session is due to terminate, but should allow enough time to save unfinished tasks.

To determine when the Time Critical warning will be displayed, enter a value (in minutes) into this field. This value must be smaller than the value for the Time Low warning. A value of zero means the warning will not be given. One minute is the smallest amount of time before a user's session is terminated that a warning can be issued.

Visitor Accounts

This section contains properties relating to the temporary visitor accounts that can be created at the Nerve Center application.


Number of days visitor accounts are active

To determine how many days visitor accounts should remain in the system, enter a value (in days) into this field.

Once per day, the system deletes all visitor accounts older than the number of days specified here. Visitor accounts are checked shortly after midnight each day, so that setting a value of one day means that all visitor accounts created during a day will be deleted shortly after midnight, and will not be available the next day.

Uniprint keeps a record of the final balances of deleted user accounts for accounting purposes.

Default user group for visitor accounts.

To set the default group for visitor accounts, select a group from the combo box in this field. This group will be presented as the default when creating a new visitor, although a different group can be selected.


If visitor accounts are available where users log on to an external authentication system via a Logon Gateway, the system must be set to allow users who exist in the Pharos Database only (i.e. not in the external system).

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