Changing Bank Properties

The following details can be configured for each Bank listed in Pharos Administrator.


Property Description


This name uniquely identifies the bank, and is used in Pharos Administrator when setting up the authentication or payment options elsewhere in the system.


Optional script and executable Plug-ins to change the default Bank behavior.

To choose the Plug-ins used by a bank, click the editing button at the end of this field. This opens the Plug-ins dialog, where a new Plug-in can be selected and applied.

If using scripts or executable plug-ins for Card Registration, you may need to update your script in order for the authentication to work correctly. You must set the 'Plugin.Error' output value to a message that has the following text 'The system could not log you on'. This is required so that the system can differentiate between having a system error and the authentication system not being able to validate the user. In addition, this is also important when the Attempt logon with blank Password option is configured for the Bank.

Management Zone

This refers to the Management Zone assigned to the Bank. This property affects the privileges a role will have over this Bank.

By default, a new Bank is assigned the "Default Zone", which has a "Full Control" permission.

This property will only be visible if a second Management Zone is defined in the Permissions context

Network Terminal

These are Network Terminal properties that govern the methods of entering user identity at Network Terminals. In addition, this table includes properties for setting up Card Registration and Guest Accounts.

Property Description

Allow logon using Logon ID and Password

Selecting this option means that users are logged on the Network Terminals using their Logon ID and Password (if available) .

This option can be used in conjunction with "Allow logon using Card". This means that users can login to a Network Terminal either by using their Logon ID and Password or using their card swipes.

Attempt logon with blank Password

If “Yes” is selected, the Network Terminal will first attempt to log users on with a blank password. Users will only be prompted for a password if their password is not blank.

This property is available only when "Allow logon using user id and password" property is set to "Yes"

Allow login using Card

Selecting this option allows users to log on to Network Terminals by swiping a Card. If this property is set to 'Yes', you can also set up 'Guest Account Card Types' and 'Enable Card Registration'.

If this property is set to 'Yes' and 'Allow logon using user id and password' is set to 'Yes', users can logon to Network Terminals either by Card swipe or by using Logon ID and password.

Guest Account Card Types

This is where Guest Account Card types that will be supported by the system are defined. If a swiped Card ID matches any of the defined Guest Card type in this property, the swiped card will be considered as a Guest Card and will automatically be added to the Pharos Database.

For more information on how to configure Guest Account Card Types, Adding a Guest Card Type .

This property is available only if the "Allow logon using Card " is set to "Yes".

Prompt for password when using a Card

This property specifies whether a password is required for authentication. Select “Yes” if users are to be asked for a password when logging on.

If this property is set to "No", registered users will not be required to enter a password. However, unregistered users with passwords will be required to enter a password.

Enable card registration

If this option is set to "Yes", users will be able to self-register on the Network Terminal using a valid Card ID. Moreover, enabling card registration allows users to logon to Network Terminals either by swiping a card or by entering Logon ID and password.

This property is available only if the "Allow logon using card" is set to "Yes".

Mask entry of Logon ID

Selecting “Yes” means that users’ logon IDs will be masked (i.e. replaced with asterisks) on the Network Terminal display, in the same way that passwords are. This may be necessary if passwords are not used, and logon IDs are sensitive.

PC Pharos Station

Property Description

Source of Identification

Method used to validate User identification. This property tells Pharos how to identify or authenticate the user requesting a service. Choices made here may have implications for card readers. Some card readers read only cards with cash, some read only cards with ID, some read both.

If the bank is to offer transfers, the source of identification must be one of:

  • ID Card - Keyboard Wedge
  • ID and Password Dialog Box

If "ID Card - Keyboard Wedge" is used as the source of identification, the DLL may be configured to require a password in addition to the swipe ID. This is achieved during Pharos Station Card Reader Configuration.

A bank cannot have its source of identification changed to "N/A" if it is currently associated with a Print Station that filters jobs by user ID.

Source of Payment

Method used to charge Users for printing. This property tells Pharos where and/or how to charge the costs a user incurs in using a service. If the Bank offers fund transfers, this selection tells Pharos where to access the funds to transfer to the internal Pharos account.

 If any kind of cash card or Billing plug-in is used as a source of funds, select the appropriate option. If transactions are charged against the user's internal account, the source of payment should be the same as the source of identification.

Multiple chargeable services can be offered concurrently by one Pharos Station. When the transfer facility is offered, the station effectively has access to two forms of payment. The source of transfer payment specified for the Bank must be a cash card, or a swipe card DLL to access an online billing system, but the Bank also accesses the internal accounts to allow transfers into it. Payment for the other Pharos services can come only from the internal account.

Can Transfer Funds

Indicates whether the selected 'Source of Payment' offers functionality to transfer funds.

Transfers are only available if the source of identification authenticates the user to Pharos to allow access to internal User accounts, and the source of payment is a cash card. If either of these conditions is not met, the Can Transfer Funds property is disabled.

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