Prompt Descriptions

Each prompt available in the Prompts context can be configured to meet the particular needs of the site. The purpose of each prompt is described below, by group. Prompts within each group are listed in alphabetical order.

 Logon Prompts



Logon ID

To request the accepted form of user identification. This prompt is used as a label next to the field asking for the user's identification on logon screens and dialogs. This can be changed to a term more appropriate to the system, e.g. "username".


To request the accepted verification of the Logon ID. This prompt is used as a label next to the field asking for the user's password on logon screens and dialogs. This can be changed to a term more appropriate to the system, e.g. "PIN".

To disable this prompt for the Pharos Station: Legacy Mode and the SignUp Client, set it to be blank. If this prompt is blank, no password will be requested of users when they log on - the field will not appear. This means, however, that users must have blank passwords. Removing the Password field means that a blank password is sent to Pharos for authentication. If a user with a non-blank password attempts to log on, Pharos (receiving a blank password) will believe they have entered the wrong password, their logon attempt will fail, and they will be unable to enter their real password.

To hide the Password field in the Pharos Station: Print Center Mode logon screen, navigate to the Print Center under Theme > Visibility (Hide Release station password field).

To disable this Prompt for the Signup Nerve Center, set this prompt to blank, then edit the web page Logon.asp to remove the field from the Nerve Center's logon page.

These Logon Prompts properties apply to Pharos Station: Legacy Mode only; they do not apply to Pharos Station: Print Center Mode. You can customize logon prompts for the Pharos Station: Print Center Mode using the Print Center. Navigate to the Theme > Text tab and update Login labels as desired.

Normally only the first 32 characters of these Prompts will be displayed, although this may be restricted further on Network Terminals

Pharos Station Prompts

If the station is to be localized for a foreign language, the prompts in the sections “Logon Prompts” and “Pharos Station” should be set.

A list of the recommended prompts for the supported foreign languages is available in the Pharos disk image at \client\pstation or Pharos Station: Legacy Mode Localization Prompts.




This prompt is displayed next to the user’s balance at the Pharos Station. It has the default value “Account Balance”, and is supplied so that it can be contrasted with the Offline Balance prompt (see below).

This prompt only applies to Pharos Station: Legacy Mode. For Pharos Station: Print Center Mode, you can change the default label 'My Funds' in Print Center (Theme > Text > Payment Area).

Offline Balance

This prompt is displayed next to the user’s offline balance at the Pharos Station. The offline balance is the maximum amount a user may charge to their account in cases where the Pharos Gateway to a third party billing service has failed due to communication failure with the billing service, or the service being shutdown for regular maintenance.

This prompt applies to both Pharos Station modes (Legacy and Print Center). You can edit the text for this prompt in Legacy Mode but not in Print Center Mode.

Offline Message

This message is displayed to the User in a dialog box if they log on to a Pharos Station while the billing service is offline.

Unit Card Display Format

This prompt determines the display format for the cost of a print job and the balance remaining, when a user pays for a print job using a unit card (a card that records number of print/copy pages instead of a currency value). For example, the units used (cost) and the number of units left (balance) may be displayed on the Pharos Station as a number of prints. In this case, a user will see the cost of a job displayed as, for example, "2 Prints" and their balance as "10 Prints". Alternative terms to describe unit card currency may be substituted: Units, Ticks, Copies, Points, etc.

By creating a registry value called CostPerUnit, it is possible to change the number of units charged for a job. E.g. for a Job costing $0.40, if the CostPerUnit is $0.10 then the charge is 4 Units to the card. Half units and greater are rounded up to the next whole unit. Units calculated to be less than a half are round down to next lower unit. E.g. 2.5 Units are rounded to 3 Units, 2.1 Units are rounded down to 2 Units.

Overly long Balance or Offline Balance prompts may not display correctly at the Pharos Station. They should be kept as short as possible. The number of characters that can be displayed on Network Terminals for the Balance Prompt may be restricted further still.

Printing Prompts



Currency Format

This is used to define the currency format that will be displayed to users in the following features and applications of Uniprint:

  • Cost Acceptance and Cost Information
  • Print Center
  • Pharos Station: Print Center Mode

To change the currency format, click at the end of the Prompt property. This opens the property prompt . Enter the currency format that you want to use. By default, the currency format is set to $0.00. You can also enter the currency format with positive and negative pattern, for example, $0.00;($0.00). The semicolon is used to separate the positive and negative formats.

The following formats are acceptable:

  • $0.00
  • ###,###.00
  • 0,00€;(0,00€)

Balloon Notification Title

Title of all message balloons that display printing information to users.

No Color Permission

Prompt displayed to users when they attempt to print a color job, if they belong to a User Group that does not have permission to print color. This prompt is displayed in a message balloon in the Windows system tray.

Not Permitted Color Application

Prompt displayed to users when they attempt to print a color job from an application that is not listed as one of the permitted applications for the user's group. This prompt is displayed in a message balloon in the Windows system tray.

Cost Acceptance

Prompt displayed to users when the "Cost Acceptance" option is enabled for the Informed Print feature. When a user prints a job, this prompt informs them of the job's properties and cost, and asks them if they wish to accept the cost of the job. If the user chooses not to accept the charge, the job is canceled. This prompt is displayed in a message window.

Cost Information

Prompt displayed to users when "Cost Information" is enabled for the Informed Print feature. When a user prints a job, this prompt informs them of the job's properties and cost. This prompt is displayed in a message balloon in the Windows system tray.

SignUp Prompts



Block Password

Password prompt presented to patrons on SignUp Clients when logging on to use block-reserved PCs.

Computer Block Reserved

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when a computer has been reserved as part of a block reservation and is waiting for user to log on and start their session.

Computer Closed

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen outside of the Access Times configured for the Branch that the PC is located in.

Computer Disabled

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when a computer has been set to inactive.

Computer Free

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when there are no reservations pending and the computer is available for immediate use.

Computer Locked

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when a computer has been locked during a session and is waiting for user to log back on and resume their session.

Computer Reserved

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when a computer has been reserved and is waiting for user to log on and start their session.

If this prompt is configured to display the user's Logon ID, then the Logon ID field on the logon screen will be filled in automatically, so that the user need only enter their password.

Computer Unavailable

Prompt displayed on the SignUp Client logon screen when there are no reservations pending and the Computer is not configured for Immediate reservations.

Ending Idle Session Warning

Warning message displayed by the SignUp Client to notify the user that their current session will end if the computer remains idle. The message appears if the computer has not been used for a period that exceeds the Inactivity Timeout.

Entering Extended Session

This is an information message displayed by the SignUp Client to notify a user that their session has been extended. The message appears when user enters the Time Critical Period before the end of their session and there are no other users waiting for the computer.

Exiting Extended Session

This is a warning message displayed by the SignUp Client to notify a user that their extended session is about to end. The message appears when the computer being used is required for another reservation.

Express Password Reminder

This is a reminder displayed at the SignUp Client when a user attempts to lock the PC during an Express Reservation.

Express Patron Confirmation

Information message displayed by the SignUp Client, telling a user the temporary Logon ID and Password that are assigned to them at the start of an Express Reservation.

Express Patron Description

Description displayed on the SignUp Client when asking a Patron for some text to use to generate temporary logon details for an Express Immediate Reservation. The default prompt asks the user for their name, but the text they can  enter can be anything.

Mac Clock Startup

Information message displayed by the SignUp Client on Macintosh PCs immediately after a user logs on, telling the user how to use the SignUp system tray icon.

Startup File Unavailable

Error message displayed by the SignUp Client when a user attempts to log on to the computer, but is prevented from doing so because the required Custom Startup File is unavailable.

Time Critical Warning

Final warning message displayed by SignUp Client to notify a user that their session is about to end. The message appears when user enters the Time Critical Period before the end of their session and their session has not been extended.

Time Low Warning

Initial warning message displayed by SignUp Client to notify a user that their session is about to end. The message appears when user enters the Time Low Period before the end of their session.

Windows Clock Startup

Information message displayed by the SignUp Client on Windows PCs immediately after a user logs on, telling the user how to use the SignUp system tray icon.

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